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Published and In Press Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Underlined names denote students under the primary supervision of Dr. McMurtry and a * (star) denote students on which McMurtry served as an advisory committee member.

In Press 

Moline, R.L., Constantin, K., Chambers, C. T., Powell, D., Lewis, S.P., Laurignano, L., & McMurtry, C. M. (in press)A brief mindfulness intervention for parents and children before pediatric venipuncture: a randomized controlled trial. Children, 9(12), 1869. 

Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Logeman, C., Gudzak, V., de Boer, A., Constantin, K., Lee, S., Moline, R., Uleryk, E., Chera, T., MacDonald N.E., & Pham, B. (in press). Prevalence of pain and fear as barriers to vaccination in children – systematic review and meta-analysis. Vaccine. Available online ahead of print Oct 22, 2022. 

Taddio, A., ​​Ilersich, A., Bucci, L., McMurtry, C. M., Gudzak, V., Ipp, M., Zita, T., Tharmarajah, S., MacDonald, N. (in press). Letting kids play their CARDs (Comfort, Ask, Relax, Distract) to help cope with needle-related fear and pain: results from user testing. Vaccine. Available online ahead of print Nov 10, 2022. 


Linkiewich, D., Dib, K. C., Forgeron, P. A., Dick, B. D., McMurtry, C. M. (2023).  Perceptions of Adolescents With Chronic Pain About Peer Support: Reflexive Thematic Analysis, Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 1-10.


Gennis, H.G., Flora, D.B., Norton, L, McMurtry, C.M., Merlano, T.E., Zaghi, A., Flanders, D., Weinberg, E., Savlov, D., Garfield, H., & Pillai Riddell, R.R. (2022). Understanding the concurrent and predictive relations between child-led emotion regulation behaviors and pain during vaccination in toddlerhood. PAIN. October 26, 2022. E-pub ahead of print.

Constantin, K., Moline, R., Pillai Riddell, R., Spence, & McMurtry, C.M. (2022). Exploring biopsychosocial contributors to parent behaviors during pediatric venipuncture. Children, 9, 1000.    

Constantin, K., Moline, R.L., Pillai Riddell, R., Spence, J.R., Fiacconi, C.M., Lupo-Flewelling, K., McMurtry, C.M. (2022). Parent and child self and co-regulation during pediatric venipuncture: Exploring heart rate variability and the effects of a mindfulness intervention. Developmental Psychobiology, 64, e22277. 

Constantin, K., Lupo-Flewelling, K., Moline, R.L., & McMurtry, C.M. (2022). Child emotion regulation capacity moderates the association between parent behaviors and child distress during pediatric venipuncture. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 

*Gennis, H.G., Bucsea, O., Badovinac, S.D., Costa, S., McMurtry, C.M., Flora, D.B., & Pillai Riddell, R. (2022). Child distress expression and regulation behaviors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Children, 9, 174. 


Dalley, J.S., Morrongiello, B.A., & McMurtry, C.M. (2021). Children’s perspectives on outpatient physician visits: Capturing a missing voice in patient-centered care. Children. Children 8(1), 34. 

Jones, A., Caes, L., McMurtry, C.M., Eccleston, C., & Jordan, A. (2021). Socio-developmental challenges faced by young people with chronic pain: A scoping review. The Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46(2), 219-230. 

Lee, S., Edwards, K., & McMurtry, C. (2021). A cognitive-behavioral group intervention for parents of youth with chronic pain: Development, feasibility, and preliminary effectiveness. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology.

Taddio, A., Ilersich, A., McMurtry, C.M., Bucci, L.M., MacDonald, N.E. (2021). Managing pain and fear: Playing your CARDs to improve the vaccination experience. Canadian Communicable Disease Report, 47(1), 87–91. 

Taddio, A., Coldham, J., Logeman, C. McMurtry, C.M., Little, C., Samborn, T., Bucci, L.M., MacDonald, N.E., Shah, V., Dribnenki, C., Snider, J., & Stephens, D. (2021). Feasibility of implementation of CARDTM for school-based immunizations in Calgary, Alberta: a cluster trial. BMC Public Health, 21:260. 


Genik, L.M.,McMurtry, C.M. (2020). Reflections and considerations for knowledge translation efforts on pain training for caregivers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Pediatric Pain Letter, 22(2), 21-24. 

Genik, L.M.McMurtry, C.M., Barata, P.C., Barney, C.C., & Lewis, S.P. (2020). Feasible outcome evaluations: A multiple-case study informing follow-up methodology for a randomized controlled trial for children’s respite workers receiving pain-related training. Pediatric and Neonatal Pain. Advanced online access: May 20, 2020. 

Genik, L.M.McMurtry, C.M., Barata, P.C., Barney, C.C., & Lewis, S.P. (2020). Study protocol for a multi-centre parallel two-group randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness and impact of a pain assessment and management program for respite workers supporting children with disabilities. Pediatric and Neonatal Pain, 2(1), 7-13. 

Genik, L.M., McMurtry, C.M., Marshall, S., Rapoport, A., & Stinson, J. (2020). Massage therapy for symptom reduction and improved quality of life in children with cancer in palliative care: A pilot study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 48, 102263. 

Gold, M., MacDonald, N.E., McMurtry, C.M., Balkrishnan, M.R., Heininger, U., Menning, L., Benes, O., Pless, R., & Zuber, P. (2020). Immunization stress-related response – redefining immunization anxiety-related reaction as an Adverse Event Following Immunization. Vaccine, 38(14), 3015-3020. 

Lee, S., McMurtry, C.M., Summers, C., Edwards, K., Elik, N., Lumley, M.N. (2020). Quality of life in youth with chronic pain: An examination of youth and parent resilience and risk factors. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 36(6), 440-448.  

Logeman, C., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Bucci, L., MacDonald, N., Chalmers, G., Gudzak, V., Shah, V., Coldham, J., Little, C., Samborn, T., Dribnenki, C., & Snider, J. (2020). Student feedback to tailor the CARD™ system for improving the immunization experience at school. Children, 7, 126.

McMurtry, C.M. (2020). Managing immunization stress-related response: A contributor to sustaining trust in vaccines. [CanVAX series]. Canadian Communicable Disease Report (CCDR), 46(6), 210-218. 8. 

  • French translation of the article also available. 

Moline, R.Chambers, C., & McMurtry, C.M. (2020). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a child and parent mindfulness intervention for pediatric venipuncture. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain. 

Moline, R., Constantin, K., Gauthier, M., Powell, D., & McMurtry, C.M. (2020). SUPER Scale to the Rescue: Reconciling what parents say and what they communicate during child pain. Pain Management, 10(3), 179-194  

Moline, R., Hou, S., Chevrier, J., & Thomassin, K. (2020). A systematic review of the effectiveness of behavioural treatments for pica in youths. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy28(1), 39–55.

Moline, R. L., Constantin, K. L., Gauthier, M. N., Powell, D. M., & McMurtry, C. M. (2020). SUPER scale to the rescue: Reconciling what parents say and what they communicate during their child’s pain. Pain Management10(3), 179-194.   

Taddio, A., Bucci, L., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., & Badali, M. (2020). Introducing a practical tool to reduce fear and anxiety during COVID-19. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 154(1), 26-29. 


*Freedman, T., Taddio, A., Alderman, L., McDowall, T., deVlaming-Kot, C., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., Alfieri-Maiolo, A., Stephens, D., Wong, H., & Boon, H. (2019). The CARDTM system for improving the vaccination experience at school: Results of a small-scale implementation project on student symptoms. Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(1), S42-S53. 

Freedman, T., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Wong, H., MacDonald, N., McDowall, T., deVlaming-Kot, C., & Alderman, L. (2019). Involving stakeholders in informing the development of a knowledge translation (KT) intervention to improve the vaccination experience at school. Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(S1)S19-S28 

Genik, L.M., Millett, G.E., & McMurtry, C.M. (2019). Facilitating respite: Preliminary evaluation of the Caregiver Pain Information Guide for children with disabilities. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. Advance online publication.

Genik, L.M. & McMurtry, C.M. (2019). Prevalence and impact of bumps, bruises, and other painful incidents among children while handling and riding horses. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 27, 100229, 1-7. 

Taddio, A., Alderman, L, Freedman, T., McDowall, T., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., deVlaming-Kot, C., & Alfieri-Maiolo, A. (2019). The CARDTM system for improving the vaccination experience at school: Results of a small scale-implementation project on program delivery. Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(1)S54-S67. 

Taddio, A., Freedman, T., Wong, H., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., Ilersich, A.N.T., Ilersich, A.L.T., & McDowall, T. (2019). Stakeholder feedback on The CARDTM system to improve the vaccination experience at school. Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(1)S29-S34. 

Taddio, A., Ilersich, A.N.T., Ilersich, A.L.T., Schmidt, C., Chalmers, G., Wilson, E., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., Bucci, L.M., Freedman, T., & Wong, H. (2019). Piloting The CARDTM system for education of students about vaccination: Does it improve the vaccination experience at school? Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(1), S35-S41. 

Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Bucci, L.M., MacDonald, N., Ilersich, A.N.T., Ilersich, A.L.T., Alfieri-Maiolo, A., DeVlaming-Kot, C., & Alderman, L. (2019). Overview of a knowledge translation (KT) project to improve the vaccination experience at school: The CARDTM system. Paediatrics & Child Health, 24(S1)S3-S18 Winner of the 2019 Dr. Noni MacDonald Award from the Canadian Pediatric Society which recognizes an article published in Paediatrics & Child Health which has positively affected pediatrics. 


Constantin, K., Bailey, H.N., & McMurtry, C.M. (2018). Measuring caregiver HRV in the pain context: Methodological considerations. Pediatric Pain Letter20(1), 5-10. 

Genik, L.M., McMurtry, C.M., Breau, L.M., Lewis, S.P., & Freedman-Kalchman, T. (2018). Pain in children with developmental disabilities: Development and preliminary effectiveness of a pain training workshop for respite workers. The Clinical Journal of Pain34(5), 428-437.

*Mithal, P., Simmons, P., Cornelissen, T., Wong, H., Pillai Riddell, R., McMurtry, C.M., Burry, L., Stephens, D., & Taddio, A. (2018). To look or not to look during vaccination: A pilot randomized trial. Canadian Journal of Pain2(1), 1-8. https://doi:10.1080/24740527.2017.1412254 

Moline, R.L., Peacock, M., Moline, K., (2018). Teaching the teacher: The impact of a workshop developed for radiation therapists. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences49(2), 179-186. 

Schinkel, M., Boerner, K., Chambers, C.T., & McMurtry, C.M. (2018). Adult judgments of children’s pain and fear during venipuncture: The impact of adult and child sex. Canadian Journal of Pain2(1), 292-301.


Constantin K.Moline R.L., McMurtry, C. M., & Bailey, H. N. (2017). Parent cardiac response in the context of their child’s completion of the cold pressor task: A pilot study. Children4(11), 100. https://doi:10.3390/children4110100

Constantin, K., McMurtry, C.M., & Bailey, H.N. (2017). Parental cardiac response in the context of pediatric acute pain: Current knowledge and future directions. Pain Management, 7(2), 81-87. https://doi:10.2217/pmt-2016-0033 

Dalley, J., Creary, P., Durzi, T., & McMurtry, C.M. (2017). An Interactive teddy bear clinic tour: Teaching student veterinarians how to interact with young children. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education44(2), 302-315. https://doi:10.3138/jvme.1115-180R1 

Genik, L.M., McMurtry, C.M., & Breau, L. (2017). Caring for children with cognitive impairments part 1: Experience with the population, pain-related beliefs, and care decisions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 62, 197-208.  

Genik, L.M., McMurtry, C.M., & Breau, L. (2017). Caring for children with cognitive impairments part 2: Detailed analyses of respite workers’ reported assessment and care decisions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 63, 1-10. 

Genik, L.M., Pomerleau, C., McMurtry, C.M., & Breau, L.M. (2017). Pain in children with intellectual disabilities: A randomized controlled trial evaluating caregiver knowledge measures. Pain Management7(3), 175-187.

McMurtry, C.M., Tomlinson, R.M., & Genik, L.M. (2017). Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and fear in pediatric pain contexts. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 31(1), 41-56. Invited submission for special issue: “Implementing and adapting behavioral therapies for anxiety across the lifespan”.

Noel, M., McMurtry, C.M., Pavlova, M., & Taddio, A. (2017). Brief clinical report: A systematic review and meta-analysis of pain memory reframing interventions for children’s needle procedures. Pain Practice, 18(1), 123-129.  

Tomlinson, R.M., Cousins, L.A., McMurtry, C.M., & Cohen, L.L. (2017). The power of pain self-efficacy: Applying a positive psychology framework to pediatric pain. Pediatric Pain Letter, 19(1), 9-13. 


Constantin, K., McMurtry, C. M., & Bailey, H. N. (2016). Parental cardiac response in the context of pediatric acute pain: Current knowledge and future directions. Pain Management, 7(2),81-87   

Cousins, L.A., Tomlinson, R.M., Cohen, L.L., & McMurtry, C.M. (2016). The power of optimism: Applying a positive psychology framework to pediatric pain. Pediatric Pain Letter, 18(1), 1-5. 

Dalley, J.S., & McMurtry, C.M. (2016). Teddy and I get a check-up: A pilot educational intervention teaching children coping strategies for managing procedural pain and fear. Pain Research & Management, e-pub April 2016. 

McMurtry, C.M., Taddio A., Noel M., Antony M.M., Chambers C.T., Asmundson G.J.G., Pillai Riddell R., Shah V., MacDonald N.E., Rogers J., Bucci L.M., Mousmanis P., Lang E., Halperin S., Bowles S., Halpert C., Ipp M., Rieder M.J., Robson K., Uleryk E., Votta Bleeker E., Dubey V., Hanrahan A., Lockett D., Scott J. (2016). Exposure-based interventions for the management of individuals with high levels of needle fear across the lifespan: A clinical practice guideline and call for further research. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 45(3), 217-235. 


Birnie, K.A., Chambers, C.T., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Noel, M., Pillai Riddell, R., Shah, V., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Psychological interventions for vaccine injections in children and adolescents: systematic review of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 72-89

Boerner, K.E., Birnie, K.A., Chambers, C.T., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Noel, M., Shah, V., Pillai Riddell, R., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Simple psychological interventions for reducing pain from common needle procedures in adults: systematic review of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 90-98.

Chorney, J.M., McMurtry, C.M., Chambers, C.T., & Bakeman, R. (2015). Developing and modifying behavioral coding schemes in pediatric psychology: a practical guide. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40(1), 154-164

Genik, L.M., McMurtry, C.M., & Breau, L. (2015). Observer perceptions of pain in children with cognitive impairments: vignette development and validation. Pain Management, 5(6), 425-434. 

Genik, L.M., Yen, J., & McMurtry, C.M. (2015). Historical analysis in pediatric psychology: the influence of societal and professional conditions on two early pediatric psychology articles and the field’s subsequent development. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 40(2), 167-174. 

McMurtry, C.M., Noel, M., Taddio, A., Antony, M.M., Asmundson, G.J.G., Pillai Riddell, R., Chambers, C.T., Shah, V. & the HELPinKIDS Team (2015). Interventions for the management of high levels of needle fear: systematic review of randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 109-123.

McMurtry, C.M., Pillai Riddell, R., Taddio, A., Racine, N., Asmundson, G.J.G., Noel, M., Chambers, C.T., Shah, V. & the HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Far from “just a poke”: common painful needle procedures and the development of needle fear. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 3-11.

Noel, M., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Chambers, C.T., Pillai Riddell, R., Shah, V., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). HELPinKids&Adults knowledge synthesis of vaccination pain and high levels of needle fear: limitations of the evidence and recommendations for future research. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 124-131.

Pillai Riddell, R., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Chambers, C.T., Shah, V., Noel, M., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Psychological interventions for vaccine injections in young children 0 to 3 Years: systematic review of randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 64-71.

Pillai Riddell, R., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Shah, V., Noel, M., Chambers, C.T., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Process interventions for vaccine injections: systematic review of randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 99-108.

Shah, V., Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Halperin, S.A., Noel, M., Pillai Riddell, R., Chambers, C.T., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Pharmacological and combined interventions to reduce vaccine injection pain in children and adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 38-63.

Taddio, A. & McMurtry, C.M. (2015). Evidence for clinicians: Psychological interventions for needle-related procedural pain and distress in children and adolescents. Paediatrics & Child Health, 20(4), 195-196.

Taddio, A., Shah, V., McMurtry, C.M., MacDonald, N., Ipp, M., Pillai Riddell, R., Noel, M., Chambers, C.T. & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Procedural and physical interventions for vaccine injections: systematic review of randomized controlled trials and quasi-randomized controlled trials. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 20-37.

Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Shah, V., Pillai Riddell, R., Chambers, C.T., Noel M., & the HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Reducing pain during vaccine injections: Clinical practice guideline (summary). Canadian Medical Association Journal, 187(13), 975-982. Article was awarded the 2016 Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT) Publication of the Year.

Taddio, A., McMurtry, C.M., Shah, V., Yoon, E., Uleryk, E., Pillai Riddell, R., Lang, E., Chambers, C., Noel, M., MacDonald, N., & HELPinKids&Adults Team (2015). Methodology for knowledge synthesis of the management of vaccination pain and needle fear. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31(10S), 12-19.


Knoll, A., McMurtry, C.M., & Chambers, C.T. (2013). Pain in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: experience, expression, and assessment. Pediatric Pain Letter, 15, 23-28


Jensen, C.D., Sato, A.F., McMurtry, C.M., Hart, C.N., & Jelalian, E. (2012). School nutrition policy: an evaluation of the Rhode Island Healthier Beverages policy in schools. ICAN: Infant, Child, & Adolescent Nutrition, 4, 276-282

^Karazsia, B.T., & McMurtry, C.M. (2012). Graduate admissions in pediatric psychology: the importance of undergraduate training. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37, 127-135.

^Order of authorship determined alphabetically. 


Buttle, S., McMurtry, C.M., & Marshall, S. (2011). Massage for pain relief in pediatric palliative care: potential benefits and challenges. Pediatric Pain Letter, 13, 24-29.

McMurtry, C.M., Noel, M., Chambers, C.T., & McGrath, P.J. (2011). Children’s fear during procedural pain: preliminary investigation of the Children’s Fear Scale. Health Psychology, 30, 780-788.


*Coates, C., McMurtry, C.M., Lingley-Pottie, P., & McGrath, P.J. (2010). The prevalence of painful incidents in young recreational gymnasts. Pain Research and Management, 15, 179-184.

McMurtry, C.M., Chambers, C.T., McGrath, P.J., & Asp, E. (2010). When “don’t worry” communicates fear: children’s perceptions of parental reassurance and distraction during a painful pediatric medical procedure.  Pain, 150, 52-58.

Noel, M., McMurtry, C.M., Chambers, C.T., & McGrath, P.J. (2010). Children’s memory for painful procedures: The influence of pain intensity, anxiety, and adult behaviours on subsequent recall.  Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 35, 626-36.


Chambers, C.T., Taddio, A., Uman, L.S., & McMurtry, C.M. (2009). Psychological interventions for reducing pain and distress during routine childhood immunizations: A systematic review. Clinical Therapeutics31(Suppl. B), S77-S103.


Kelln, B., & McMurtry, C.M. (2007). STEPS – Structured Tactical Engagement Process: A model for crisis negotiation. Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 7, 29-51.

McMurtry, C.M. (2007). Needle and dread – Is it just a little poke? A call for implementation of evidence-based policies for the management of needle pain in clinical settings. Paediatrics & Child Health, 12,101-102.

McMurtry, C.M., Castral, T.C., & Fernandes, A. (2007). Training health researchers: Challenges, systemic changes, and a model solution. Pediatric Pain Letter, 9, 21-24

McMurtry, C.M., McGrath, P.J., Asp, E., & Chambers, C.T. (2007). Parental reassurance and pediatric procedural pain: A linguistic description. The Journal of Pain, 8, 95-101.

Schechter, N.L., Zempsky, W.T., Cohen, L.L., McGrath, P.J., McMurtry, C.M., & Bright, N.S. (2007). Pain reduction during pediatric immunizations: Evidence-based review and recommendations. Pediatrics,19, e1184-e1198.


McMurtry, C.M.,McGrath, P.J., & Chambers, C.T. (2006). Reassurance can hurt: Parental behavior and painful medical procedures. The Journal of Pediatrics, 148, 560-561.


Olds, E.S., & McMurtry, C.M. (2003). Search of jumping items: Visual marking and discrete motion. Perception, 32,449-462.

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Book Chapters and Other Publications 

Constantin, K., Taddio, A., Katthail, D., & McMurtry, C.M. (under review). Preventing and treatment of procedural pain. In A. Twycross, J. Stinson, S. Friedrichsdorf, & C. Chambers (Eds.), Managing pain in children: A clinical guide (3rd edition). Wiley: United Kingdom. 

Chorney, J.M., & McMurtry, C.M. (in press). Behavioral measures of pain. In P. McGrath, B. Stevens, S. Walker, & W. Zempsky (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

O’Doherty, K.C., Smith, C., & McMurtry, C.M. (2017). Vaccine hesitancy: Ethical considerations from multiple perspectives. Public health in the age of anxiety: Religious and cultural roots of vaccine hesitancy in Canada (pp. 56-79)Toronto, University of Toronto Press. 

  • The entire book was translated into French in 2019. 

Genik, L.M., Constantin, K., Symons, F., & McMurtry, C.M. (2019). Pain. In J.L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of Intellectual Disabilities: Integrating theory, research, and practice (pp. 1011-1036)New York, NY: Springer. 

Constantin, K.Moline, R.L., & McMurtry, C.M. (2018). The role of non-verbal features of caregiving behaviour. In K. Karos, K. Prkachin, Z. Trost, & T. Vervoort (Eds.), Social and interpersonal dynamics in pain – we do not suffer alone (pp. 295-323)Springer, Cham.

Constantin, K.Moline, R., & McMurtry, C. M. (2018). The role of non-verbal features of caregiving behaviour. In T. Vervoort, K. Prkachin, K. Karos, & Z. Trost (eds.), Social and interpersonal dynamics in pain: We don’t suffer alone. Cham: Springer. 

Lee, S., Genik, L.M.,McMurtry, C.M. (2018). Pain. In J.L. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities: Assessment (pp. 359-389). New York, NY: Springer. 

McMurtry, C.M. & McGrath, P.J. (2018). Child and adolescent pain. In J. Hunsley & E. J. Mash (Eds.), A guide to assessments that work – 2nd edition (pp. 583-607)New York, Oxford University Press.

McMurtry, C.M. (2014). How do I love thee? Let me count the ways of responding and regulating. Pain. Invited commentary. 155, 1421-2.

Chorney, J.M., & McMurtry, C.M. (2013). Behavioral measures of pain. In P. McGrath, B. Stevens, S. Walker, & W. Zempsky (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Paediatric Pain (pp. 379-390). Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

McMurtry, C.M. (2013). Pediatric needle procedures: Parent-child interactions, child fear, and evidence-based treatment. Canadian Psychology, 54, 75-79[Invited submission (2012 New Researcher Award)]. 

Bird, L., & McMurtry, C.M. (2012). Invited Editorial: Fear in pediatric acute pain: Role and measurement. Pain Management, 2, 527-529

Chambers, C.T., & McMurtry, C.M. (2011). Psychological recommendations figure prominently in new national guideline on immunization pain management in children. Psynopsis: Canada’s Psychology Magazine, 33 (spring), 26. 

McMurtry, C.M., & Taddio, A. (2011). More than “just a little poke”: Taking the ouch! out of childhood immunizations. Pediatrics for Parents, 27, 27-29

McMurtry, C.M., & Jelalian, E. (2010). Reporting Body Mass Index in the Schools: Are we missing  the mark? CABL: The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter, 26.

Moon, E.C., McMurtry, C.M., & McGrath, P.J. (2008). Child and adolescent pain. In J. Hunsley & E. J.  Mash (Eds.), A guide to assessments that work (pp. 551-575). New York, Oxford University Press. 

McMurtry, M. (2006). A Report from the International Forum on Pediatric Pain. Check Up: A newsletter for the studies of pain in children with special needs, 7, 2. 

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